The Sangre Snowrunners
as a recipient of the
#SkiDooPass @SkiDoo
With the support of SKI-DOO,
The Sangre Snowrunners will be able to repair one of the trails that will be beneficial for snowmobilers!!
#SkiDooPass @SkiDoo
Please join & support the Clubs where you ride. Stay informed & help protect your favorite riding areas!! We are all in this TOGETHER!! Thanks for your support!! JOIN NOW!
The Sangre Snowrunners Snowmobile Club are the people who are responsible for keeping the trails groomed & cleared for ALL outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy year round!!
#SkiDooPass @SkiDoo
Businesses’ or private individuals who make donations to the Sangre Snowrunners Snowmobile Club will be listed on The Sponsor Page of our website!
DATE: ________________________________
LAST NAME _____________________________________________________________
FIRST NAME_____________________________________________________________ BUSINESS NAME **_______________________________________________________
**Please attach a business card so we can put it on our website. MAILING ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________
CITY: ________________________________________ STATE: ______ ZIP :__________
BUSINESS PHONES: _______________________________________________
PHONE: __________________________________________________ EMAIL:__________________________________________________________________ DONATION AMOUNT OR ITEM DESCRIPTION: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ BRONZE SPONSOR- $50.00 per year. We will display your business card on our website!
SILVER SPONSOR- $100.00 per year. We will display your business card on our website &
your flier on notice board at Ophir Creek Parking Lot!
GOLD SPONSOR- $150.00 & above per year. We will display your business card on our website & your flier on notice board at Ophir Creek Parking Lot.
You will also be our guest at a club meeting & enjoy a delicious dinner, compliments of the
Sangre Snowrunners!
Please download & fill out the sponsor form & return to SSRSC Secretary at club meetings or
Email to :
SPONSOR FROM 2022 (docx)
DownloadCopyright © 2018 Sangre Snowrunners Snowmobile CLUB - All Rights Reserved.